General page (Preferences dialog box)
In this page, you can specify general options of EditPlus. Following options are available.

Combo Box history
Specify number of combo box history. EditPlus maintains history of text that you entered in combo box. When you type text in the combo box, EditPlus will search the list and help you complete the remaining part of the text. If you enter 0 in this field, the combo box auto completion feature will not be used.
Word delimiters
Specify delimiters that are used to determine work boundaries. You don't need to specify the space character and the tab character here, since those are treated as delimiter by default. This option can be overridden by #DELIMITER setting in the syntax file.
Reload working files on startup
Check this option to save the list of all open files and the cursor positions on exit. EditPlus reloads these files when it starts next time.
Restore cursor/markers/encoding of recent files
Check this option to save/restore the cursor/marker positions and the encoding of the document for 50 recent files.
Allow multiple instances
Check this option to allow multiple instances of EditPlus to run at the same time.
Use XHTML tags
Check this option to use XHTML tags instead of HTML tags in the template and the HTML toolbar.
HTML tag in lower case
Check this option to insert HTML tags in lower case.
Close HTML tag automatically
Check this option to close brace automatically when you type HTML tags.
Use system default browser with Go to URL
Check this option to open system default browser rather than the seamless browser, when you run the 'Go to URL command'.
File Open dialog restores previous directory
Check this option to restore previous directory when running File Open dialog box.
HOME key goes to first non-space character
Check this option to move the cursor to the first non-space character when pressing the HOME key.
Create new document on startup
Check this option to create a new document on startup when there is no other active document.
Use EditPlus in Internet Explorer
Check this option to use EditPlus with the View Source command of Internet Explorer.
Add EditPlus to right mouse button
This option registers a shell extension which adds EditPlus command to the Context menu of the file in Explorer.
Use TR1 regular expression
Check this option to use C++ TR1 regular expression library instead of the previous regular expression feature. TR1 regular expression is ECMAScript compatible and has more features but is slower than the previous one.